This conversation was recorded live. We conclude Women’s History Month strong with our guest, Louisa Jewell, a media well-being expert, best-selling author and psychologist who helps us to understand how to thrive – even when things aren’t always...
Join us as we kick off Women’s History Month with our Sense Making Conversations hosted by our own Andrea Sampson, featuring Dr. Sherry Walling, one of the world’s only clinical psychologists focused on the mental health of entrepreneurs and the...
We continue to celebrate Women’s History Month with our guest Ozioma Egwuonwu. A transformational strategist and future thinker, Ozioma and I will explore what humans are capable of changing and how we can use the future as a landscape to create a new path...
This conversation was recorded live. Andrea talks to one of Toronto Life’s “Tomorrow’s Titans”, Zahra Ebrahim. In this conversation, they Sense Make on the importance for cities to be built with equity in mind. Think about it – what if...
Join Andrea Sampson live in conversation with Futurist Nikolas Badminton as they talk about the trends that they are expecting to see over the coming 18 months. Nikolas Badminton is a world-renowned futurist keynote speaker, consultant, author media producer, and...
Ann Makosinski is a 22 year old from British Columbia who is passionate about inventing, speaking and creativity. She will discuss the topic of the arts vs. the sciences, and how we should question the traditional view of art being regarded as a hobby and science as a...