How Thought Leaders Can Build Profitable & Impactful Communities with Maruxa Murphy | SMC

This conversation was recorded live. In this Sense Making Conversation, our host, Andrea Sampson, CEO of Talk Boutique, converses with Maruxa Murphy, a sense maker and expert in understanding how our communities can help us recover and grow. In our conversation, Maruxa and I will explore ways to build communities to create deeper impact and create businesses, I know I will learn a lot from her deep well of experience!


About Maruxa Murphy, Chief Community + Culture Architect/Co-Founder of Eureka Laboratory

Maruxa Murphy is the “The Community Maven” and known to turn online communities into 6- and 7-figure revenue streams. She is the Community Architect and Instigator for 100s of changemaker communities in a way that blends the good of people, purpose and profit into one another. 

Maruxa is on the advisory teams for non-profits, start-ups, impact and changemaker communities and organizations to grow their experiences and build the long and short-term culture builds. She’s helped dozens of brands turn their communities from flailing to fierce from just a few months and onward. 

In addition to running her Community Architecture and Culture Building Consultancy, she is also the founder of Perky Perky Coffee, which invites their customers to rise up from the first cup of coffee and onwards throughout the day. Her “uniqueness” brought Perky Perky to the United Nations 2019 and served Perky Perky coffee to over 400 transformational world and business leaders. The United Nations on Women’s Entrepreneur Day identified Perky Perky as one of 10 women-owned brands to be on the watch out for in 2020.