Nikolas Badminton | Sense Making Conversations: Brave New World – From What Is to “What If…”

Sense Making Conversations are a discussion with our roster of globally curated experts hosted by Talk Boutique’s CEO, Andrea Sampson, every Friday at 12:30 pm EST. 

A discussion on how the ‘great pause’ has shown us how the industrial complex is failing humanity, and what we can all do to help kick start conversations on creating a new resilient and abundant world.

Nikolas will outline the signals within the time of the COVID-19 pandemic that show that the world we’ve created, and celebrated, has removed humanity from the equation in favour of industrial progress and wealth for the few.

He discusses what important choices we must make today, from the highest levels of government down to the individual people, with regards to creating sustainable and resilient health, wealth, energy supply, thriving cities and a global community that focuses on humanity and equity as the bedrock for this spaceship Earth.

Nikolas Badminton is an award-winning, dynamic and innovative Futurist, Researcher, and Keynote Speaker who shares an awe-inspiring vision of trends that shape the future to world-leading organizations and governments.

Learn more about Nikolas here: