
Our Top 3 Takeaways from Tim Ferriss’, Tools of Titans

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss is a collection of lessons learned from nearly 200 inspiring “Titans” interviewed on his podcast, The Time Ferriss Show. Be forewarned – this is a long read, in fact, some call it a doorstop given its size, but don’t let this stop you. Divided into three sections: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise; each contains short chapters inspired by his interviews. Full of useful information, Tools for Titans is an inspirational lift and provides useful, practical tools to kick-start business goals and to live a healthier, wealthier and happier life.

Here are our top 3 takeaways from Tools of Titans.

1. Have a Morning Routine

Tim is a strong believer that the first 60-90 minutes of your day will set the tone for the remainder of the day. He recommends having a morning routine that will motivate you to conquer the items on your “to-do” list. This can be as simple as making your bed, reading, or meditating. Tim’s philosophy is that even if your morning routine consists of small things there is a sense of accomplishment in completing a task. After interviewing many “Titans” about their morning routines he created his own list based on their advice and what was important to him.

When creating your own morning routine think about what will motivate you to start your day and make the most of your time.

2. All You Need is 1,000 True Fans

“To be a successful creator, you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, clients, or fans. A true fan is defined as a fan who will buy anything you produce.” This theory was developed by Kevin Kelly and encourages you to market to those individuals who will support everything you do. This will allow you to live comfortably until you are ready to grow your business.

Market to your true fans and you will see success.

3. The Jar of Awesome

Individuals don’t often remember the good things that happen on a daily basis because the negative thoughts usually overpower the good. The Jar of Awesome is a great reminder to celebrate the successes in our lives. To get started, take a mason jar and place it somewhere that you will see on a daily basis. Every time something “awesome” happens, write it down and add it to the jar. When you are ever feeling sad, pull out a piece of paper for a quick pick-me-up.

Final Thoughts

Our one criticism of the book (besides its heft) is that there are only a few women featured. Hopefully, Tim will remedy this by interviewing more powerful, smart and successful women in 2018!

Make sure you pick up your own copy of Tools of Titans to learn even more great tips and tricks. If you’ve already had a chance to read the book, please leave your feedback in the comments below!

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