Take Your Seat, Canada with Randy VanDerStarren

Jun 30, 2017 | News & Events

Earlier this year, we featured Randy VanDerStarren on our blog as he was preparing to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Randy is an avid travel photographer who has a tremendous talent for capturing landscapes while bringing attention to important environmental issues. His photographs tell a story about the importance of not taking the environment for granted.

Watch Randy’s talk at our Salon Series, Truth, Lies & Complicity

Take Your Seat, Canada is an initiative created by Talk Boutique Speaker, Randy VanDerStarren to celebrate Canada’s 150th. The purpose of the expedition was to draw attention to Canada’s diversity and the fragility of the landscape while allowing Canadians to truly appreciate the natural beauty of this amazing country.

Over the past three months, Randy has travelled across Canada photographing various landscapes with his iconic Director’s Chair, a symbol which has been so prominent in many of his other photographs. The chair is used to represent change, a way to allow you to decide what goes up on the biggest screen of all: your life.

We live in one of the most incredibly diverse and beautiful places on earth, if only we choose to see it. The Take Your Seat, Canada exhibition explores that natural beauty from coast to coast to coast. A red and white Director’s chair invites you into each province and territory. Thirteen iconic photographs come together to inspire you to get out there and see for yourself!

In the exhibition, Take Your Seat, Canada, thirteen photographs have been selected to represent every region of our beautiful country.

We encourage you to view the exhibit in-person by visiting Henry’s Flagship store (119 Church St, Toronto) from July 3-31 and City Hall’s Rotunda (100 Queen St W, Toronto) from July 24-31. Until then, please enjoy Randy’s photos below.

Happy Canada Day to our Talk Boutique friends – we hope you have a great day celebrating!

Take Your Seat Canada Alberta

Take Your Seat Canada British Columbia

Take Your Seat Canada Nova Scotia

Take Your Seat Canada Nunavut

We all know intuitively how incredibly beautiful this country of ours is. Take Your Seat, Canada allowed us to experience that intuition firsthand.</blockquote

Take Your Seat Canada North West Territories

Take Your Seat Canada Ontario

Take Your Seat Canada Prince Edward Island

There is something magical that happens when you’re confronted with the diversity of geography Canada offers. Why is it that we so readily embrace that natural diversity but have yet to extend that embrace to our diversity of people?

Take Your Seat Canada Quebec

Take Your Seat Canada Saskatchewan

Take Your Seat Canada Yukon

After driving 15,000 kilometres, encountering almost every animal that appears on a Canadian coin and even chartering a helicopter to add to the adventure, we can say with certainty that Canada is worth experiencing. As Canadians, we love to say, ‘One day I’m going to see this great country.’ Unfortunately, we then put Canada at the bottom of our list and fly off to the Caribbean. We hope that Take Your Seat, Canada inspires you to now put Canada at the top.

Take Your Seat Canada Manitoba

Take Your Seat Canada New Brunswick

Take Your Seat Canada Newfoundland