Thought of the Day

Giving the Talk of a Lifetime

Crafting a TED-style talk is an art form like no other. 🎤✨ It's all about idea-centric storytelling—going beyond the script and into authentic, body-and-mind connection. 💡❤️ This fall, our Thought Leader Academy members will dive into this...

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Past Thoughts

Who’s On Your Team

Thought Leadership is important work and we need the space, the support and the time to formulate and deepen our thinking. We all need help and support, however as we build our thinking, it can feel hard to ask for support...

taking time to recharge to increase our productivity

When we disconnect from all of the things that keep us busy in our every day, from our work to our homes and our families, our brain has the time to rest and reset. Doing new things is a necessary part of growing as a...

Asking for the Help You Need

When we are in a community that has been built on trust, where we respect and honour each other’s privacy, it enables us to be vulnerable and transparent. So, we can show up with curiosity, allowing others to see “under the...

planning for your success

When you start out with a clear roadmap, you are able to follow the path and get to your destination. How fast and with what degree of success is in your hands, you need to put the work in to get the results YOU want. Let me...

What you focus upon, expands

Just like when we are putting a destination into our maps, we often have the choice of many routes. The easiest is often a direct route but it may be risky because everyone is headed that way and it may be clogged. However,...

taking your place as a thought leader

When we keep thought leadership as something that others do, others that are in places of global or national leadership, we deny ourselves and those in our community our perspective. And it is our unique perspective which often helps to...