Thought of the Day

Leading a Room with Confidence

As we develop our skills as thought leaders, being able to effectively lead a room as a presenter or facilitator is essential. This means having confidence in our content AS WELL AS in our performance. Our audiences need us to have fun, to...

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Past Thoughts

we need a breadth and diversity of thought Leadership

When we embrace our own stories and the uniqueness of our background, we discover its value in our own way of thinking. We can then inspire others by sharing our understanding of situations, problems or opportunity, sparking new ideas and...

the 3 Steps to help you Focus on What’s Important

We are all juggling a lot these days - it can be overwhelming. I created a 3 step process for myself, to help me get through heavy workloads. I thought I would share it in case it might help some of you in the same way.

Getting Ready for your Talk

What's the #1 thing you should do to get ready for your upcoming talk? There are so many things to do when preparing for a talk or presentation, and they are all important. But #1 on that list might be something we fail to prioritize......

taking the time to think

We need to make a commitment to ourselves, protecting the time spent developing and delivering our own thought leadership. Our creative energy is a finite resource - let's use it for our growth! Let me know what you have experienced, have...

Your Community Is Your Success

Our communities are the places where we can go to try out our ideas, to discuss our challenges, and to ask for help and support. They are also champions for our success, often amplifying our messages when we are ready. I’d love to hear...

giving yourself the time to be curious

Curiosity is the basis for learning. When we are curious about something, we go searching, and discover new information that leads us to ask new questions. Let us know what you are curious about!