Hello, 2018! This is the perfect time of year to make a list of your intentions for 2018 and start putting them into action. If giving your very own TED-style talk is on your to-do list, our upcoming StoryBuilding workshop will be perfect for you!
This fun and fast-paced workshop will provide you with the basics of how to develop and write powerful and engaging talks. This workshop is ideal for anyone interested in enhancing their ability to create a compelling presentation or talk.
Interested in learning more? Here are a couple of reasons why you should attend our next StoryBuilding workshop.
Learn How to Organize Your Talk
In our StoryBuilding workshop, we will introduce you to the Talk Canvas. This is a proven framework to help you develop talks or presentations. Talk Boutique Co-Founder Andrea Sampson says, “Stories are carriers for ideas” The team at Talk Boutique believes that everyone has a talk in them, it’s just about discovering what that talk is. We will help identify your talk, organize your ideas and get a head start on writing.
Develop Your Statement of Purpose
The Talk Canvas approach also provides a roadmap for messaging and incorporating a story to develop a connection with your audience. When working on your talk, it’s beneficial to incorporate stories and identify your statement of purpose. This approach will help you connect with your audience and allow your audience connect with you. Talk Boutique Co-Founder, Nick Kindler gives a great example of storytelling in his Salon talk.
Attend the Next StoryBuilding Workshop
At Talk Boutique, we help people build stories, communicate messages, and perform with compelling engagement to create deep and lasting societal change. Our founders have decades of experience in advertising, comedy, acting, strategy, and their experience as TED-trained speaker coaches. We are experts in navigating and developing content, performance, subject matter, and technology.