Karen Aggro: Music – The Power of Sonic Medicine

Using the style of a singer / songwriters, Karen beautifully wove the harmony of the song throughout her talk where she revealed her rejection of music in favour of a more secure career as a scientist, going into pharmaceutical medicine and becoming a pharmacist and...

What’s Your Big Idea?

Crafting a TEDx talk starts with a powerful idea. 💭 ✨ At the Thought Leader Academy, we focus on honing that idea into a clear, impactful message. 🚀 My own idea? “Creating a diversity of thought leadership by helping experts step into their differences and convey...

Giving the Talk of a Lifetime

Crafting a TED-style talk is an art form like no other. 🎤✨ It’s all about idea-centric storytelling—going beyond the script and into authentic, body-and-mind connection. 💡❤️ This fall, our Thought Leader Academy members will dive into this technique and present...