With these uncertain times, I know it can feel as if we short on hope. Many are feeling tired, bewildered, anxious, however, it’s important we stay hopeful. We’ve seen amazing things created when many of us all pull together, one just has to look to the amazing acts of generosity happening around the world.

When we shift the lens from capitalism to collaboration amazing things happen. The world is abundant and we are incredibly fortunate to live in a time where we each have so much.

Right now we’re thinking of you, you the community, and you the individuals who have helped us all this time. We, at Talk Boutique, want to share our abundance with you. We’ve taken our roster of globally curated Changemakers, Tech Leaders, Executives, and Scientists and are offering a weekly Virtual Lunch & Learns and an open forum for valuable content and discussion.

We are offering this for free to anyone who would like to join us. We are breaking this down as our Sense-Making Series on Fridays at 12:30 pm.
As well as our “Ask Me Anything” style forum with our Changemakers, from Tuesday-Thursday, also at 12:30 pm.


Mike Lipkin
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 @ 12:30pm
Get INTO your comfort zone.

Mike Lipkin
President of Environics
Over the past two weeks, we’ve been hit with an unbelievable amount of uncertainty. We didn’t take this sitting down however, we’ve spoken with hundreds of people about mastering this crisis. The essential insight is that we need to get INTO our comfort zones in order to function at our best.

Mike & his colleagues at Environics have created a program that will help all your people play at their best, in this extreme situation.

Sandra Elia
Wednesday, April 1st, 2020 @ 12:30pm
Food is the cause, food is the cure

Sandra Elia
Certified Food Addiction Counselor
This is a time of equalization – whether you’ve got wealth or not. Travel, eating out, expensive entertainment/experiences are no longer available. This a level playing field to create new, fun, fulfilling norms – available to everyone, and we’re starting by taking a look at our eating habits.

As one of the World’s First Certified Food Addiction Counselors, Sandra is a true pioneer in the field of recovery from compulsive overeating, addictive eating and obesity management.

Louisa Jewel
Thursday, April 2, 2020 @ 12:30pm
Mental Resiliency Continued

Louisa Jewell
Founder, Canadian Positive Psychology Association
Today’s coronavirus crisis can have a significant impact on our mental well-being. Now, more than ever, we need to know science-backed strategies that can keep us strong despite these tremendous challenges. Our best resilience strategy is to come together, and yet, the virus keeps us strictly apart! In this session, we have Louisa Jewell, who continues from her previous Lunch & Learn, where we talked about the 6 pillars of happiness.

Louisa Jewell is a speaker, author and positive psychology expert who has spoken to over 50,000 people around the world about how to flourish both at work and in their personal lives.  She has worked with hundreds of organizations in all sectors to improve resilience, well-being and happiness at work.

Jill McAbe

Sense-Making Conversations: Virtual Lunch & Learn.

Friday, April 3rd, 2020 12:30pm
Reinvent Yourself: Making the shift to a better living

Jill McAbe
#1 best-selling Author of the book It’s Go Time: The All-In System for Unstoppable Success in Business and Life
Jill’s experience as a world-class restaurateur and business consultant combined with her knowledge of neuroscience and behavioral science sets her apart. She has been called a science translator; Jill invents high-powered tools that are easy to apply, with high ROI.

In this session- we are going to touch on:
• The 5 steps to follow to reinvent your business
• How ANYONE can create a passive income as part of their business
• How to evaluate a situation so you can make constructive decisions that lead you to a better future
• How to regulate and control your own emotions in the face of uncertainty

We want to do our part. We have content, we have resources, and we’d love to strategize how we can help you through these uncertain times.

Most importantly, stay healthy, stay safe, and stay connected,
Talk Boutique Team