Thought of the Day
Galit Ariel | Talk Boutique Salon: Convergence or Conflict?
In this talk, Galit evokes the critical mind challenging her audience to consider the rights and privileges within the digital/physical space and the impact these will have as we continue to evolve as digital humans. Galit...
Tania DeSa | Talk Boutique Salon: Diversity … or Empathy?
Tania DeSa, CEO of Desa Global Leadership Inc., took the stage with a passionate story of self-discovery. She spoke of the importance of not conforming to your environment, whether at work or in your personal life and to...
Jodi Kovitz | Talk Boutique Salon: Diversity … or Empathy?
Jodi Kovitz, Founder and CEO of #movethedial spoke of the lack of female leadership in the tech industry. Her heartfelt and emotionally charged talk recounted her own experience taking a leadership role with a tech-based...
Sonny Kohli | Talk Boutique Salon: Answers vs. Questions
Inventor, physician, and X-Prize Finalist Sonny Kohli shared his thoughts on the importance of good questions. Sonny posited that we have already basically given control of our lives to AI. “AI already knows what we are...
Jill McAbe | Talk Boutique Salon: Answers vs. Questions
Jill McAbe, a neuroscience-based strategy, performance, and growth expert then took the stage. She started with a riveting personal story and shared the most important question to ask yourself to clarify vision and ensure...