Louisa Jewell | Talk Boutique Salon: The Other ‘F’ Word, Failure
Louisa began by sharing an amusing story from her days as a spandex-clad, big-haired child of the ‘80’s wanting desperately to succeed in an an exercise dance class—only to experience the humility and the humiliation that comes from the bumping and bumbling and not knowing the moves. Louisa explained, “A blow to our self-esteem can damage our self-confidence. When we associate ourselves with the thing we are doing, we tie our self-esteem to the outcome.” As a result, we identify with the failure (in her case, the dance) and we begin to see ourselves as being a failure. She gave us 3 great ways to cope:
Don’t focus on looking good and instead focus on learning and growing
Feel good after every effort regardless of the performance and focus on getting better
Decide which internal voice you want following you around: your worst enemy or your best, most constructive friend.