by andreasampson | Jun 5, 2018 | Book a Speaker
It’s summertime, and another long winter is behind us. Summer is about reconnecting – with nature, with the people we love, and with ourselves. It’s also a time to reconnect with our dreams and visions of what we want to achieve, where we want to go. The slower... by andreasampson | May 3, 2018 | Presenting Tips
Ideas, Innovation, and Communication We live in an age of constant change and accelerated innovation in every field, from medicine to education to food production. As Oren Berkovich, CEO of SingularityU Canada says, “We are at the intersection where opportunity meets... by andreasampson | Apr 3, 2018 | Speaker Feature
The month of March is aptly named to celebrate International Women’s Day and its focus on gender parity. While we couldn’t ‘march’ all month, we could celebrate the voices of powerful women. We have been honoured and proud to share the words of wisdom and the voices... by andreasampson | Feb 1, 2018 | News & Events, SpeakEasy Intensive
We’re all feeling very proud at Talk Boutique this morning! After many conversations, months of work, and our own personal reflection on how to provide the most-needed services to our clients, we are excited to introduce the SpeakEasy Intensive – an... by andreasampson | Nov 5, 2017 | Salon Series
On November 1, 2017, Talk Boutique hosted its latest and largest Salon yet! More than 200 people came to converse and hear speakers Jill McAbe and Sonny Kohli address the question: In order to preserve our humanity do we need to focus less on the invention of new...