Salon Talk Recap: What is Truth?

Aug 7, 2019 | Salon Series

On a beautiful Father’s Day morning in June, we welcomed guests to a champagne brunch version of our popular Talk Boutique Salon Series. Throughout the morning we explored the topic:

What is Truth?”  We live in a world where what we believe to be fact is disproven daily. From the claims of our leaders, to breakthroughs in science, to long believed theories that are now being debunked. We are living in times of change and upheaval, so how do we navigate?”

With three powerful speakers: 

  1. Marianne Lefever, Innovation and Sustainability Strategist;
  2. Paul Nadeau, Former Hostage Negotiator and Author;
  3. Anne Connelly, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Expert; and,
  4. Nicholas Badminton, Researcher & Futurist.

Each speaker provided us with their unique perspectives

A brief review follows:

Paul Nadeau used his police work background to examine the topic of truth and negotiation. We exist in a world of dozens of religions, languages, and backgrounds – Paul suggests in his talk that, through listening and understanding, we will find that we have more in common with each other than we realize. Paul explored the intricacies of negotiations and relationships to help us understand how and why we bend and use truth to our advantage. 


Anne Connelly explored the idea of truth in identity, and truth in technology. Through breaking down the complexity of blockchain data, Anne explored the future potential and implications of this technology in developing countries. Using her own experience of losing a passport, she helped us grasp the multifaceted uses of blockchain in our everyday lives, as well as using decentralized technology to create a positive impact in people’s lives. 


Marianne Lefever explored the health detriments that lie beneath the environments we live in. She spoke about the effects of work commutes, and the long term consequences they have on our family and social life, concentration, and overall well being. Marianne implored us to take into consideration how we can make healthier choices and build a healthier city around us. By doing so, we can build stronger productivity and engagement, stronger relationships, and a healthier, happier life. 


Nikolas Badminton delved deeply into what it means to live in a post-truth era. What does it mean to wrestle with versions of the truth? How do we “speak” truth? Nick explored how we as a society can begin to take truth back into our hands. In the increasingly post-truth world that we live in day-by-day, Nick speaks about how to question our beliefs and operate just a little bit more human. 


The Takeaways

Our takeaway from the event is that truth is addressed in every aspect of life and career and in some details we wouldn’t expect. It is how we approach and question the truth that helps us understand and realize the potential for technology and connection for a more positive future. 

These were our takeaways, however what are yours? Is truth becoming fiction or do you believe this complex questions is ever changing.  This is for you to decide, and we’d love to hear your comments! Thank you for reading and thanks to our speakers for sharing these engaging and memorable talk and a thank you to everyone who joined us, the Salon Series would not be possible without you. 


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